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Hi Friends!!!   Today is kinda a sad day because it is our last day of class and with that, our last post on this blog!! But we do not have to be sad because looking backwards we have learnt a lot and now we are a little bit more prepared to cope and plan our classes in the near future!!💪💪 So that today's post is about all we have seen through this term and a reflection of that!! In this case, I am going to do it through a  Powtoon !!  Here I embed it!!  And here is the link to it!! Finally, I just want to say that it was an authentic pleasure to share this time with all of you!! I have learnt a lot, and I hope you too!!  I just want to grateful My teacher Francisco because he has done an amazing job and he taught us everything perfectly, with a very positive and joyful attitude. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! SEE YOU SOON!!!
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 Hi again!! In today's post, we will continue with the project that we started in the previous post ( STORYBOARD FOR A DIGITAL PROJECT!!!! ) The didactic goals pursue with this digital project is to reflect on a content or an activity. The title of the clip is: RECOGNIZING WOMEN'S WORK!! This is the link to our final project: Here I also embed it!!😉😉 The creation process was a little bit difficult because we spent a big amount of time thinking about how to do the project and then we had problems with the programme chosen to make the video. We used  Powtoon  to make the digital project and the problem was, once we have done the video, we realise that we couldn't add an audio 8 minutes long (which is the duration of the video), because that program in the free version just allows us only 3 minutes audio. So that, we have had to make again the video chopped into parts and do the same with the audio.  Once w


 Hello friends!! Today we will create a storyboard as a blueprint of a posterior Digital Story . In this project, I am not going to work alone, I will be joined by my classmates:  Carolina , Clara  and Nerea . We decided to make our project about the importance of women in society throughout history and the unfair situation that most of them had to live in because of the social mindset. We think this is an important topic to talk about with our students since they have to realise the importance of values such as respect and equality. To do that, firstly we took some time thinking about the topic and looking for information about our women. Once collected the information we started writing a script in Google Docs  so that we organized the information and we wrote the text that we will add to the storyboard. After that, we began with the Storyboardthat  creating different scenes in which in each, a woman appears telling her story. Our protagonists are Dorothy Crowfoot, Alice Guy, Valenti


Hello everybody!!                                    In today's post we are going to become... radio announcers!! Well, actually we are not going to be on air, but we are going to create a PODCAST!!👏👏👏 There are lots of advantages of using podcasts in our classes, for instance: it helps develop students' listening and oral skills, It allows teachers to rest their voice, students can listen to it whenever, wherever and the amount of times that they may need, it fosters students' imagination and so much more!!! I am going to show you an example that I just made for my fifth grader for english subject. You will see step by step how I did it!!😉😉 What I did first, was to select a topic. In this case, it was easy because we haven't started the course, and I want the students to get to know each other, so I asked them to create a podcast introducing themselves, telling something interesting about their last summer holidays and their expectations for the starting year. Sin


 Hello friends!!! In today's post, we are going to create a presentation through  Genially  which is an amazing tool that gives us the possibility to design interactive presentations capable to call the students' attention and engage them and focus on the task working at. I must confess that it was my very first time using this program and it really surprises me for good. In the beginning, was a little bit messy to use it because it have a lot of options and tools, but also it was very intuitive and with just a few minutes you can discover a lot of resources to be used and make much better your slides. With this program, you can make your classes have great quality and be more meaningful!   I really enjoyed the process doing this task because in the  meantime  I was creating the content, I was discovering new functions and my presentation was becoming more creative. I highly recommend this tool because is very useful and it allow you to give a little bit charm to your sessions


Hello everyone!! In today's post we are going to talk about INFOGRAPHICS!! Infographics are a very useful resource because they are very visual, so that students can take a lot of advantages of them. They help to organise the relevant information of the given topic, summarise it and it enhance the use of the visual memory helping students to understand and internalise the lesson better. I have chosen an online tool called Canva . I have to say about this tool that it's amazing, it is free, it has a lot of options and models to create not only infographics but also presentations, posters, logos, Instagram post, resumes and so on. It gives you the opportunity to share and embed your creations and to do a collaborative work.  I didn't find anything bad in this tool, but if I have to say something I would say that you can't embed a You Tube video in there (but I am not hundred percent sure about it) I am still discovering this tool, but for now I love it and definitively I


What's up mates!!  Today I am bringing you a very interesting and useful tool! Not only it'll help your students to understand the lesson better and organise the concepts but also it is going to make your explanations easier to carry out.🎉🎊🎉 I am talking about MIND MAPS!! and in this case I'll recommend you MindMeister  that is the one that I used to do this example!! Is not difficult to work with it, but you will need to create an account. Then just follow the five steps given and you will get it. 👍👍👍 I'll tel you step by step how I did mine!!  -First, I decided the topic I wanted to carry out. Main european landmarks -Secondly, I wrote the main idea or word of the topic  -Third, I linked the main idea with the secondaries through different branches or arrows, adding images and a  YouTube  video.  After completing the mind map I clicked on the sharing button and copied the link and the embedded code as you can see bellow.