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In today's post we are going to add to our blog a content curation tool, this is about to filter and select the best sources and resources of our interest. For that we are going to add a widget to have a handy tool to pick resources we need in an easy and quick way.

In this case we are going to use Pinterest.

To create our widget we need to have an account in Pinterest. It is very easy to do, and if you have a Google account even more, just follow the steps and it's done馃槈. 
Then we must save the materials that we are going to use and after that we have to clic in the interrogation symbol ❓ on the right side of the page and then select the option "create a widget"

A new window is going to be opened and then you have to copy the two codes indicated. Paste them in your page wherever you want the widget appear.
And that is all!! Fast, easy and practical. Now you are ready to use and enjoy the selected content!!

Bitmoji Image

I hope you find this information useful and it helps you to increase your classes' quality!!

see you soonish


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 Hello friends!!! In today's post, we are going to create a presentation through  Genially  which is an amazing tool that gives us the possibility to design interactive presentations capable to call the students' attention and engage them and focus on the task working at. I must confess that it was my very first time using this program and it really surprises me for good. In the beginning, was a little bit messy to use it because it have a lot of options and tools, but also it was very intuitive and with just a few minutes you can discover a lot of resources to be used and make much better your slides. With this program, you can make your classes have great quality and be more meaningful!   I really enjoyed the process doing this task because in the  meantime  I was creating the content, I was discovering new functions and my presentation was becoming more creative. I highly recommend this tool because is very useful and it allow you to give a little bit charm to your sessions

Personalising your AVATAR

Hi mates!!  This is my avatar, his name is Agus  He is 32 years old. He loves sports so that he is a P.E teacher. He has a hidden secret and that is that he is a great magician but nobody has to know it馃檴!! Now I am going to show you how to create your own AVATAR PROFILE!! We are going to use Bitmoji  (there is an app as well) that it is an easy and intuitive program. First you have to download the program that fits with your operative system. Then you can create your profile with your email address or snapchat account. It is highly recommended to do it with a Gmail account.  Don't worry about it, it is very easy 馃槈 you just have to follow the steps, taking a selfie, filling out some personal information and creating a Bitmoji that resemble you. You can dress it with the out fit as you normally do, and personalise it as your personality.   After that you can sincronice it with your Google account and have your Bitmoji avatar on your smartphone, your computer, tablet, etc and use i


What's up mates!!  Today I am bringing you a very interesting and useful tool! Not only it'll help your students to understand the lesson better and organise the concepts but also it is going to make your explanations easier to carry out.馃帀馃帄馃帀 I am talking about MIND MAPS!! and in this case I'll recommend you MindMeister  that is the one that I used to do this example!! Is not difficult to work with it, but you will need to create an account. Then just follow the five steps given and you will get it. 馃憤馃憤馃憤 I'll tel you step by step how I did mine!!  -First, I decided the topic I wanted to carry out. Main european landmarks -Secondly, I wrote the main idea or word of the topic  -Third, I linked the main idea with the secondaries through different branches or arrows, adding images and a  YouTube  video.  After completing the mind map I clicked on the sharing button and copied the link and the embedded code as you can see bellow.