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Hey guys!!
Today we are going to learn how to correctly use images, audios, videos and so forth!!👏👏
I am going to show you some images that I used in order to create a CLIL lesson about the WATER CYCLE and some more examples.

Every time we pick some audio-visual resource from the internet we have to properly cite the font. We cannot take whatever we want and use it as our pleased (well, we can but we mustn't) because there are some of them that have copy right and we need to pay for it. In other cases we can freely use it but respecting some conditions proposed for the author of that work. So that reason we have to know where to find public domains resources and respect their Creative Common licence.

Image by Karen Noboa 56559_cc-by-sa_big


Credit: Image courtesy NOAA National Weather Service Jetstream

With this image the intention is the student to visualise in an easy way the whole process of the water cycle.

In this case I just did a research in Google images, I clicked the option tools and then in usage rights I have chosen creative common licenses, so that you can see a lot of images with out restrictions of use. There are some pictures that don't have creative common licence, but we can see who is the creator, so that it's also important to name the author of the resource and to add the link of the web site where we take it. It's a way to show respect to the author and just in case because of the laws.

Image: Screenshot of my own research.

Supporting our classes with audio-visual resources is a good way to increase ours students' motivation  and interest, enrich the learning process  and understand better the proposed topic trough using more than one sense and feeling emotions.

After the explanation of the process of the water cycle we are going to do an experiment. With a zip plastic bag, water, a drawing, and the hit of the sun throw a window.

Image by:Kristofer Gentry saved to water

This image is will help the students to understand the final product that they have to make!😉 

log ride

Some interesting web sites to look for good free resources to use in your classes could be:

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay 


Image by Lelia MilayaFree to use in your next creative project under the

Ok guys that is all for today! I hope you find this information of your interest and remember TO DO THE RIGHT THING!!

See you next time!!

k love you bye


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Personalising your AVATAR

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